Outdoor Plants
Dichondra 'Silver Falls'
Dichondra argentea 'Silver Falls'
Plant Type: Groundcover
Growth Height: .10m
Growth Width: 2.0m
Light Requirement: High-Medium
Description: With the ability to cascade and creep, this ground hugging plant is best known for its small rounded, silver coloured foliage. Fast growing, Silver Falls can cover garden areas quickly and are best suited to full sun, parcial shade areas for best growing conditions.
Common Pot Size Available: 100mm, 140mm, 200m
Crassula 'Calico Kitten'
Crassula variegata 'Calico Kitten'
Plant Type: Groundcover
Growth Height: .10m
Growth Width: .25m
Light Requirement: High-Medium
Description: A small succulent groundcover with tiny heart shaped leaves, displayed in an array of rosy pink, creamy white and green coloured foliage. This dainty little groundcover is best suited to a well-drained, full sun/part shade position.
Common Pot Size Available: 100mm, 140mm
Liriope 'El Marco'
Liriope muscari 'El Marco'
Plant Type: Groundcover
Growth Height: .30m
Growth Width: .20m
Light Requirement: High-Low
Description: This evergreen, dwarf clumping, grass-like perennials is ideally used as a garden edge or mass planting. Its lush, dark green coloured foliage is accompanied by small purple clustered flowers in Summer.
Common Pot Size Available: 100mm, 140mm
Chinese Star Jasmine
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Plant Type: Climber
Growth Height: 20m
Growth Width: 6m
Light Requirement: High-Medium
Description: This hardy creeper/groundcover is ideal to cover large areas in full sun or part-shade situations. Displaying shiny dark and light green coloured foliage, highlighted by white, perfumed star-shaped blooms covering the entire plant in Spring.
Common Pot Size Available: 140mm, 200mm, 300mm
Giant Bird of Paradise
Strelitzia nicolai
Plant Type: Tall Shrub
Growth Height: 6m
Growth Width: 3m
Light Requirement: Medium-Low
Description: The Giant Bird of Paradise is a palm-like plant that produces large, broad leaves up to 1m in length, and stunning beak-like blue and white flowers with purple bracts. This plant thrives in rich, moist, well-drained soil.
Common Pot Size Available: 200mm, 300mm, 400mm
Purple Fountain Grass
Pennistum advena 'rubrum'
Plant Type: Grass-like Shrub
Growth Height: 1m
Growth Width: 1.5m
Light Requirement: High-Medium
Description: Purple Fountain Grass is a striking, ornamental grass with long dark purple coloured foliage, contrasting with plumes of cream coloured feathery blooms, held high above the leaves. Best used either as feature or mass plantings, it is best grown in full sun positions to show its vibrant colour.
Common Pot Size Available: 140mm, 200mm
Dwarf Morning Glory
Evolvulus hybrid 'Blue My Mind'
Plant Type: Small Shrub
Growth Height: .30m
Growth Width: .30m
Light Requirement: High-Medium
Description: Hardy, small bush that displays bright, electric blue flowers covering the bush most of the year, long with silver-green coloured foliage. Ideally suited to full sun, well drained positions in either garden, planter or hanging pots.
Common Pot Size Available: 140mm
Dragon Tree
Dracaena draco
Plant Type: Small Tree
Growth Height: 9m
Growth Width: 10m
Light Requirement: High-Medium
Description: This evergreen tree, has a single smooth, grey trunk which divides in regular spaced, swallon branches when mature. It produces decorative, greyish-green, stiff, lance-shaped foliage that can gorow up to 60cm in length. This architectural shaped tree, is ideal as a feature specimen in the garden or planter.
Common Pot Size Available: 300mm, 400mm
Euphorbia 'Firesticks'
Euphorbia tirucalli rosea
Plant Type: Medium Shrub
Growth Height: 2m
Growth Width: 2m
Light Requirement: High-Medium
Description: A evergreen succulent shrub, with yellow coloured pencil-like foliage, turning orange, flame red in the cold of winter. Creates a great colour contrast with other succelent plants in a well-drained, full-sun position.
Common Pot Size Available: 200mm, 300mm
Cordyline 'Red Sensation'
Cordyline terminalis 'Red Sensation'
Plant Type: Medium Shrub
Growth Height: 2.5m
Growth Width: 1m
Light Requirement: High-Medium
Description: This evergreen shrub displays striking redish-purple coloured, long strappy foliage, appearing from a main single stem. It can be used as either a single feature or mass planted garden specimen. Suited to a full-sun, well drained position.
Common Pot Size Available: 200mm, 300mm
Mother In Law's Tongue
Sanserveria robusta
Plant Type: Small Shrub
Growth Height: 1m
Growth Width: 1m
Light Requirement: High-Medium
Description: Displaying long, upright foliage the Mother In Law’s Tongue is a hardy, low maintenance plant that is ideal in group plantings. The varied colour tone foliage is striking by itself or used with contrasting plant species. Suitable for well-drained gardens or in pots.
Common Pot Size Available: 140mm, 200mm